Medical Information (in Case of Emergency)
Youth Guidelines and Behavioral Expectations
-Youth will stay within event perimeter for the entire duration of this event.
-All youth will respect the property of others and the church.
-Youth will not engage in the use of weapons, drugs, alcohol or tobacco, nor bring these things, nor paraphernalia related to these things, onto church grounds.
-Youth will not engage in sexual activity on church grounds. There is a line between affection and sexualized behavior. Affection: Okay. Sexualized: Not okay. Neither non-consensual nor consensual activity is appropriate in a church setting.
-All youth will help clean up the site so it will be left as it was prior to use.
-All youth will follow all reasonable requests of sponsors.
-All youth will be respectful of one another.
(from UUCE’s Children and Youth Health and Safety Policies)
Parental Consent: Liability and Medical Release
PARENTAL CONSENT: I, affirm that I am the parent/legal guardian of (youth name). I have fully disclosed all pertinent facts about my child and acknowledge full responsibility for any omission or misstatement regarding such matters
I grant permission for my child to participate in this youth event. I hereby do release and hold harmless the Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene and/or any and all adult supervisors for the activity, from and for any and all liability which may arise for damages, loss or injuries, either to person or property, which my child may sustain while engaged in the activity conducted, including, but not limited to, any damages, loss or injuries that may be sustained through transportation to and from the activity. I further agree to assume responsibility for any liability which may arise for damages, loss or injuries, as described herein which may be caused or contributed to by my youth to the person or property of others.
In the event that an emergency should arise while my child is participating in this event, I hereby grant my permission to any responsible adult to do whatever is deemed necessary to insure the safety and well-being of my child.
In the event I cannot be reached, I consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care under the general or special supervision and upon the advice of or to be rendered by a physician and surgeon licensed under the Medical Practice Act for my child. This authority also extends to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, dental, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care by a dentist licensed under the Dental Practice Act for my child. I further agree to pay all charges for the dental, medical, or hospital care or treatment.
As parent or legal guardian of my child, I am responsible for the health care decisions of my child and am authorized to consent to the services to be rendered. I represent that my consent to and agreement to pay for the dental, medical, or hospital care or treatment to be rendered to my child is legally sufficient and that no consent from any other person is required by law.
If my child violates site rules, event expectations, or covenant, I agree to be responsible for their transportation home. I understand I may be required to pick up my child before the end of the activity. If my child participates in any illegal activity, I realize the proper authorities will be contacted. This consent may be photocopied, with photocopies authorized to be as binding as the original.