UUCE Announcement Form

Have something to share? Need to get the word out about your group, event, or project? Use this form to share your news the Office and let us know how and where you'd like it to be publicized. We will reach out if we have questions!
Click here for guidelines on submitting announcements to the weekly connections.

Questions can be sent to Kat Johnson, communications@uueugene.org
Your Contact Information

If we have any clarifying questions before sharing the announcement, we will reach out using the contact information provided below.
Please select all that apply.
Announcement Content

If this is publicity for a UUCE meeting or event happening via Zoom or in-person, don't forget to fill out a Room Request on our Calendar.

Click here for guidelines on submitting announcements to the weekly connections.

Questions can be sent to Kat Johnson, communications@uueugene.org

Please select one option.

After you press submit, a copy of your submission will be sent to the email address listed under "Your Contact Information."

If you have any questions or concerns about your submission, reach out to communications@uueugene.org via email. You can also call Kat at 541-686-2775×7.

If you'd like an announcement made from the pulpit on a Sunday, reach out to Rev. Jen directly by emailing minister@uueugene.org.


Have something to share? Need to get the word out about your group, event, or project? Use this form to share your news the Office and let us know how and where you'd like it to be publicized. We will reach out if we have questions!